StenopeiKa stories – presentation Im anina 2018 #1

Ciao Ragazzi!!!

Today no cameras but another story that we’re going to do with a StenopeiKa camera, the Hyper camera 8×10″:×10/

A few months ago I presented the Im Anina project, made with StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera, now we come back (me and Paolo) in Romania to finish the work started, but this time we are going to make portraits with the Hyper camera 8×10.

This is the first of 3 promotional videos that I have prepared for the final event (the week of Cultur) to be held in Anina (Romania) on September 7th, 8th and 9th, where the photos taken during our stay will be shown.

Enjoy it 🙂

previous videos:

Test on Hyper camera 8×10 with Giulio Speranza

Ciao Ragazzi!

After many weeks i’m coming back with a new video!

This time, however, the protagonist is Giulio Speranza who has brought the new Hyper 8×10 camera×10/ in the mountains, at 2000 meters, to photograph the north wall of Terminillo (central Apennines, Italy).

So, the hyper 8×10 camera is so compact and light that Giulio has also brought a 4×5 folding…

Good vision 🙂

Your affordable 8×10 camera – Hyper camera 8×10

Ciao ragazzi!

Today official presentation of your new affordable 8×10″ camera, the Hyper camera 8×10″.

Like the younger sister, also the 8×10 version will have two configurations, basic (who you can see on the video) and advanced. The features present on the advanced (who you’ll see in the future video) compared to the basic are 3:

  1. fine focus system
  2. professional ground glass
  3. black color

in the video you can see also the movements, the technical features and… the possibility to take a super offer for the launch, in fact, if you click here

[button_1 text=”Special%20offer” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”” new_window=”Y”/]

you can access the offer valid only in the first days of launching the camera.

Enjoy it 😉

Hyper camera 8×10 preview

Ciao Ragazzi!

Today special location for special product: the new Hyper camera 8×10″, your affordable 8×10 camera!

I choose the Acquerino cantagallo national forest, 10 minutes from my workspace, to respect the tradition started with the hyper camera 4×5 to present the new products in different locations but all related to the city where I live and where i make the StenopeiKa cameras …

Enjoy it 🙂

Linhof adapter for Hyper camera 4×5

Ciao Ragazzi

After many requests i make an adapter to use the Linhof lens board on Hyper camera 4×5×5-the-new-affordable-folding-camera-297e/

Hyper camera 4×5 uses proprietary lens boards of 80x80mm format, so now with this adapter you can use your lens mounted on linhof lens board also on Hyper camera 4×5, as you can see in the video editing is extremely simple but above all… without losing your movements!

In the video Hyper camera 4×5 basic:×5-basic/

good vision 🙂

why lose movements??? wide angle bellows for stenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera

Ciao Ragazzi

Today, accessory time!

So i’ll show you a classic configuration of StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera professional in iroko wood, wooden baseboard, teak colored, but with 3 kinds of bellows, the classic black bellows, other classic bellows but in red color, and the real news of today, the wide angle bellows (in this case red but is also available in black)

With  the wide angle bellows you can use all potential of your StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera that, i remember you (in the case you didn’t see the video presentation here), has the all large movements (independent and separate) on both standard like a traditional view camera.

Good vision 🙂

4×10 reduction back and linhof lensboard adapter for StenopeiKa 810se2 folding camera

Ciao ragazzi!

Today new video with 2 accessories for your StenopeiKa 810se2 folding camera:

The 4×10″ is very rare format, but anyway, i make also back reduction for 4×5″, 5×7″ and 18×24 cm, obviously all back are magnetic, this is my sign on the camera.

The second accessory is a linhof lensboard adapter from sinar lensboard, by default i make my 8×10 folding camera for sinar lens board 14×14 cm, but, on request, i can make it for other lens board, for example Toyo that is bigger tha Sinar, but also i can make an adapter for linhof lensboard very used from the 4×5″ users.


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help me! the monster camera! 16×20″ tailboard by StenopeiKa

Ciao Ragazzi!

this week we have a monster!!! 🙂

In this weekly video i’ll show you one of bigger camera of StenopeiKa line, the StenopeiKa 16×20″ tailboard modular camera, in this case, iroko wood, with movements only on the back standard.

I remind you that this is just one of the many configurations available, and you could built your camera directly on the configurator that you find on the web site, here:

If you have a problem with a website you can find the tutorial to use the configurator:

and with carbon fiber baseboard :-)

Ciao ragazzi!

After the version in cypress wood and after that in iroko wood, both with the wooden baseboard, today I show you the version with the base in carbon fiber.

Yes it is true!

In fact, when tradition meets technology, born StenopeiKa 810se2 folding camera in Tuscan cypress with carbon fiber baseboard as seen in the video and also in the link below:

With this improve you could save 1,5 cm in thickness, and have a camera with a truly modern look while maintaining all the features of stenopeika cameras, stiffness, separate and independent movements, zero mechanical on all movements, comfort of use.

what are you waiting for?

This time in iroko wood – StenopeiKa 810se2 magnetic folding camera

Ciao ragazzi!

Continues the discovery of the various configurations of the StenopeiKa 810se2 folding camera, obviously these configurations are applicable to almost all StenopeiKa’s cameras.

Today, in the video, I’ll show you the wooden configuration of iroko and teak color, for me the most elegant combination, remember that you can also have a cherry and black color.

The technical features of the camera do not change compared to the cypress version presented in the previous video:

good vision 🙂