Fear of large format??? 7 answers for your questions

I know, I understand you look out into the world of large format can be scary, especially for those who have never seen a camera like this before, I’ve been there too and for this reason I created the Hyper Camera line, I have you showed in the past few days, and since I got a lot of questions I also decided to make a video in which I try to answer the 7 questions I get asked most frequently.

I don’t pretend to be exhaustive, the topic “large format” is very vast, but I hope to be useful to give you the first tips, if you want to deepen in a definitive way the topic there is also a video course (here: https://www.stenopeika.com/categoria-prodotto/video-courses/) held by the legendary Giulio Speranza… about this … Giulio has launched a crowdfunding campaign to publish a photographic book made on the Gran Sasso, then on the Apennines, made entirely in 4×5 “, support it too!!!

See you soon!


lo so, ti capisco affacciarsi al mondo del grande formato può spaventare, soprattutto per chi non ha mai visto prima dal vero una fotocamera di questo tipo, ci sono passato anch’io e per questo motivo che ho creato la linea Hyper Camera, vi ho fatto vedere nei giorni scorsi, e siccome mi sono arrivate molte domande ho deciso anche di realizzare un video in cui cerco di rispondere alle 7 domande che mi vengono fatte più frequentemente.

Non pretendo di essere esaustivo, l’argomento “grande formato” è molto vasto, però spero di essere utile per darvi le prime dritte, se volete approfondire in maniera definitiva l’argomento c’è anche un video corso (qua: https://www.stenopeika.com/categoria-prodotto/video-courses/) tenuto dal mitico Giulio Speranza, a proposito Giulio ha lanciato una campagna di raccolta fondi per pubblicare un libro fotografico realizzato sul Gran Sasso, quindi sull’appennino, realizzato interamente in 4×5″, sostenetelo anche voi!!!

A presto!

327€ for your new 4×5 camera!!!

The BASIC version of the new Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings could not be missing!

From today, in fact, with the price of € 327 you can receive a new, large format camera at home to start your adventure in the best possible way in this discipline.

As you can see from the video it is small and is very light (1.5 kg) just like the big sister: the advanced model.

I take this opportunity to make a small ERRATA CORRIGE on the presentation of the Advanced model that concerns the focus ground glass, in fact one of the differences between the basic model and the advanced model is precisely the material and the type of focus ground glass, traditional glass for the basic and a fresnel in plastic (and therefore lighter) on the advanced.
The other two differences concern the painting of wood, natural on the basic and black for the advanced, the last difference is the precision focus present only on the advanced model.

You can find other pictures here:

[button_1 text=”Hyper%20camera%204×5%20butterfly%20wings%20basic” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/hyper-camera-4×5-mark-3-basic-opt/”/]



Non poteva mancare anche la versione BASIC della nuova Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings.

Da oggi infatti con il prezzo di 327€ potrete riceve a casa vostra una fotocamera, nuova, di grande formato per iniziare la vostra avventura nel migliore dei modi in questa disciplina.

Come potete vedere dal video è piccola ed è molto leggera 1,5 kg proprio come la sorella maggiore, il modello advanced.

Ne approfitto per fare un piccolo ERRATA CORRIGE sulla presentazione del modello Advanced che riguarda il vetro di messa a fuoco, infatti una delle differenze tra il modello basic ed il modello advanced è proprio il materiale e la tipologia vetro di messa a fuoco, tradizionale vetro smerigliato per la basic, un fresnel in materiale plastico (e quindi più leggero) sulla advanced. Le altre due differenze riguardano la verniciatura del legno, naturale sulla basic e nero per la advanced, e la messa a fuoco di precisione presente solo sul modello advanced.

Puoi trovare altre immagini qua:

[button_1 text=”Hyper%20camera%204×5%20butterfly%20wings%20basic” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/hyper-camera-4×5-mark-3-basic-opt/”/]


Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings – Mark 3

Ciao ragazzi!
today is the big day!
As I anticipated last week, today I’ll show you the new Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings mark 3
I think this camera has everything he needs for those who want to start with the large format photography:
Compactness: 20x22x9 cm
Portability: only 1.5 kg of weight
Robustness: steel guides and aluminum metal supports
Easy of use: 6 adjustments with well-visible knobs
Upgradability: unlike other cameras of the same price, this has the ability to mount the wide-angle bellows for very wide angle lenses (75 mm for example) and to replace the traditional focusing glass with a 2 in 1 fresnel glass for better vision at the ends, now this information will tell you little but after the course you will understand well that this is great added value
These are the technical characteristics of the camera:
Movements on the front:
Rise Fall +/- 3 cm
Tilting on horizontal axis from the base + 20 / -90 °
Tilting on horizontal axis from the lens-board limited by the bellows
Tilting on vertical axis +/- 14 °
Movements on the back:
Tilting on horizontal axis from the base + 20 / -90 °
Tilting on vertical axis +/- 14 °
Maximum extension 36 cm
Minimum extension 6 cm
Weight 1.5 kg
Lensboard linhof
Tripod socket with two 1/4 ″ and 3/8 ″ holes
You find other pictures here:
[button_1 text=”Hyper%20camera%204×5%20butterfly%20wings” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-4×5-butterfly-wings-mark-3-advanced/” new_window=”Y”/]
Oggi è il grande giorno!
Come anticipato la scorsa settimana, oggi ti mostrerò la nuova Hyper camera 4×5 butterfly wings mark 3.
Penso che questa fotocamera abbia tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno per coloro che vogliono iniziare con la fotografia di grande formato:
– Compattezza: 20x22x9 cm
– Trasportabilità: solo 1,5 kg di peso
– Robustezza: guide in acciaio e supporti metallici in alluminio
– Facilità di utilizzo: 6 regolazioni con pomelli ben in vista
– Aggiornabilità: a differenza della altre fotocamere di pari prezzo questa ha la possibilità di montare il soffietto grandangolare per lenti grandangolari molto spinte (75 mm per esempio) e di sostituire il vetro di messa a fuoco tradizionale con un vetro fresnel 2 in 1 per visione migliore alle estremità, adesso queste informazioni vi diranno poco ma dopo il corso capirete bene che questo è grande valore aggiunto
Queste le caratteristiche tecniche della fotocamera:
Movimenti sulla parte frontale:
Decentramento verticale +/- 3 cm
Basculaggio su asse orizzontale dalla base +20/-90°
Basculaggio su asse orizzontale dalla lens-board limitato dal soffietto
Basculaggio su asse verticale +/- 14°
Movements on the back:
Basculaggio su asse orizzontale dalla base +20/-90°
Basculaggio su asse verticale +/- 14°
Massima estensione 36 cm
Minima estensione 6 cm
Peso 1,5 kg
Lensboard linhof
Supporto treppiede con due fori 1/4″ e 3/8″
puoi trovare altre foto qua:
[button_1 text=”Hyper%20camera%204×5%20butterfly%20wings” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-4×5-butterfly-wings-mark-3-advanced/” new_window=”Y”/]

How to use your 4×5 and 5×7 film holders on Hyper Camera 8×10

Ciao Ragazzi!

Do you have 4×5 and 5×7 holders but are afraid to switch to the 8×10 format?
No problem!
Today I’ll show you how to use your 4×5 and 5×7 film holders with a reduction back on Hyper camera 8×10 advanced.
So click below and enter the world of the 8×10 format:
[button_1 text=”Hyper%20camera%208×10″ text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/reduction-back-4×5-opt/”/]



StenopeiKa 16×20 another giant camera

Ciao ragazzi!

After the presentation fo Stenopeika 14×17 folding camera last week, today is the turn of the another giant camera, the StenopeiKa 16×20 folding camera.

So the video explain better the me than work inside this kind of camera, I hope you like it.

You can find the camera here:

[button_1 text=”Stenopeika%2016×20″ text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/stenopeika-build-ulf-folding-camera/”/]

See you on the next video!

Stenopeika 14×17 folding camera – mark 2

Ciao ragazzi

One year after the presentation of the 14×17 model, today I will show you some improvements I have made to the project to make it even more rigid and user friendly.

For example I changed the guides to the maximum extension of the front part, much more rigid even at the maximum extension leaving the system of fast focusing unchanged. To make the rear part easier and more aesthetically pleasing, I have also modified the lever system for the rear glass door frame, now it’s even easier to insert your chassis.

Enjoy it!

[button_1 text=”StenopeiKa%2014×17″ text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/stenopeika-build-ulf-folding-camera/”/]

when tradition meets technology – X camera 4×5 carbon fiber and olive wood

Ciao ragazzi!

After the version with olive wood, Tuscan cypress wood and Iroko wood, today I’ll show you the last version of X camera 4×5, with olive wood  but with carbon fiber instead of aluminum parts.

replacing aluminum with carbon fiber makes the camera much more rigid while maintaining the technical characteristics unchanged (dimensions and movements).

Furthermore, for the launch of this new product there is a super offer for you, watch the video and follow the instructions:

[button_3 text=”next-step.png” align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/super-offer-x-camera-4×5-carbon-fiber/” new_window=”Y”/]

Hyper camera 5×7 with bag bellows and reduction 4×5

Ciao Ragazzi

today I will show you a configuration that allows you to take advantage of the wide movements of the Hyper 5×7 thanks to the bag bellows, and the 4×5 reduction to be able to use your lenses!

[button_1 text=”Hyper%20camera%205×7″ text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-5×7-advanced/” new_window=”Y”/]

Enjoy it 🙂

Hyper camera 5×7 on the central Apennines with Giulio Speranza

Ciao Ragazzi

a full day with Giulio Speranza, my friend and great large format photographer, on the central Apennines to photograph the northern slope of the Orsello Peak with Hyper 5×7 advanced camera, good vision!


#stenopeika #largeformat #largefomatcamera #largeformatphotography #hyper #hypercamera #5×7