Ciao Ragazzi!
funny video of just 1 minute to remind you that last month’s promotions (black Friday 2017) are about to expire
the black Friday offer (last call):
Ciao Ragazzi!
funny video of just 1 minute to remind you that last month’s promotions (black Friday 2017) are about to expire
the black Friday offer (last call):
Ciao Ragazzi
Today I present a new and ambitious project.
For some time I’ve been working with a team of professionals to realize an idea: SAVE TYPE 100 CAMERAS.
The name of this team is TINTEAM:
As you know Fuji has put out all the films of this type and Polaroid Originals CEO with an open letter has said that no recovery of this format is planned in the near or near future.
So this plan of work has been born that has been carefully tested in the last few weeks and I want to share the results with you … What is it?
WITHOUT any modification to your Type 100 cameras you will be able to produce gorgeous Ambrotype or Tintype, the cameras with a tripod hole are preferred, but it is not absolutely essential.
The resulting images have the same useful surface as the 100 films.
We will not do any Kick Starter or anything else, we will produce the production that will be presented in January 2018 at MYINSTANTLIFE in Maranello, if you want to stay up to date follow us on StenopeiKa website or on Facebook page here
In the video me and Alan we try to explain the project, soon you’ll can see also the first tests results.
In any case if you want to be update specify on this subject insert your email here:
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With this new video, this week, i would like to show you the possibility of tailboard camera; the small camera size despite the giant size (11×14 “is really big), the low weight, and the possibility to build as you want thanks the a wide range of accessories available, every, or almost, magnetic.
In the video I present a 11×14” camera, but all features, magnetic bellows, reduction back ect, are replicable on other formats, i repeat for the new friends that this camera is expandable in format and length, and also you can add movements to the standards also in a second time (you can see video here)
Like every time that i present a new camera, i have a special offer for that you follow me, if you insert your date bellow, you’ll receive 3 video extra with the secrets of StenopeiKa 11×14″ tailboard modular camera and, if you follow and accept the offer, a large format accessory for free.
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Ciao Ragazzi!
This time we go out from my workspace to take picture outside with StenopeiKa 5×7 tailboard modular camera, Sine-igne 200 mm f4 wooden lens and… try the new sutter pop-up tent for ice fishing.
For the location, thanks to Lorenzo, it was possible to choose the alpine refuge “Faggione delle valli” located in a Acquerino natural park, very wonderful natural park near my work space, in the mountains between Pistoia and Prato (Tuscany, Italy).
The sutter tent is a very confortable pop-up tent, after 2/3 times is possible to open it in only 1 minute, and disassemble in the same time. Thank to the bag pack you can transport it without problem in any locations.
The tent was born for ice fishing so, in different areas it filters the light from the outside, but with a black adhesive tape is possible to have a really good hold of light and work in serenity.
I did not see any qualitative differences with the most popular quick-fish eskimo (type 2), and if you consider that the sutter is also found in Europe, i think it is a great advantage for European collodion photographers that want a definitively solution for take pictures with collodion outside (and sometimes also inside).
The only negative note concerns the height, in fact for now I found only the model with high 1.70 meters, for me is ok but for the tallest friends this can surely represent a problem.
So, I hope you like the video, see you next time!
And don’t forgot to subscribe to the newsletter to be updated:
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Ciao Ragazzi!
Today is the day of a new experience… the “in-boxing” of StenopeiKa contact print frame.
But… Why make an “in-boxing”?
Many Youtuber make an “un-boxing” but i never seen some manufacturer do the opposite, so i decided to give to my follower this new experience, i hope that you like it because I’m willing to do it again 🙂
For the occasion, I show you also see the new C6 contact print frame designed for 4×5″ films.
But it’s not over here!
Christmas is also coming, so I have a super offer for you, just click on the link:
and follow the instructions to receive a 10 € discount on the purchase of StenopeiKa contact print frame.
Ciao a tutti!
Ciao ragazzi!
Today i’ll show you the details of StenopeiKa 11×14″ native wetplate holder and 3 good reasons to to use it.
So the first one is a technical reason, this holder is different from the commercial holder because it is not plugged into the camera but it is attracted to the camera so the accidental movements are avoided during the insertion phase, because if you use this holder you don’t have a insertion phase!
The second one is esthetic reason, this holder resemble perfectly the external camera profile, obviously i speak for Stenopeika cameras, folding and tailboard, but with some modifies i could make it also for a other cameras.
The third reason (I didn’t say it in this video, but i’ll explain better in the next one) is that the holder accepts plates up to 4 mm in thickness, one of the few in the market to accept such thick plates.
Only for you who follow me on the blog and on the social, I have 3 more videos with extra content where you can discover the secrets of the 11×14″ wetplate holder and special gift.
Click here and follow the instructions to wach the video and find out the secret of StenopeiKa wetplate holders.
Catlabs added an interesting video on its YouTube channel.
He speak about the custom 8×10 wetplate holder that i make for him with 8×10 full size 208×257 mm mainly used in the United States market.
Like the last versions of holders i use only plastic and metals (aluminium), i don’t use wood to avoid contamination.
For the United States friends you can find it on Catlabs website here, so you save much money for shipment.
Ciao ragazzi!
Thank you to Lina for this interview.
She came to Pistoia to meet me and learn better about my work.
So today, I suggest you to see the interview directly from the Lina’s youtube channel.
I liked the interview so much that I decided to update the page about “me” by adding the video, here
Ciao Ragazzi
Today is the time for interviews, so i ask to Dennis Ziliotto if he want to say some words about wet plate collodion photography, Stenopeika cameras, and the sense of photography.
I think it’s very interesting so I decided to share it with you.
In the video:
Hi Guys
To complete my offer for alternative photography, I introduced the contact print frames in 3 formats:
On request i can make the contact print frame with custom size.
Here you find the product page:
Ande below you can see all the features better in the video that i made in my work space: