Hyper camera 4×5 – advanced

Ciao Ragazzi

Also today other great news!

I’ve just finished the advanced version of Hyper camera 4×5 the first affordable 4×5 camera by StenopeiKa.

Why this version? Because after many request I decided to implement some features of high-level cameras on the basic to meet even the most demanding users. So for that reasons on the Hyper camera 4×5 advanced you’ll find a professional focus ground glass with printed grid (on basic version you’ll find a satin glass without grid) and the comfortable fine focus system under the focus ground glass like every StenopeiKa’s cameras.

I made this decision because for me, on a professional camera, it is essential to be able to focus with one hand and with the other to use at the same time the loupe 8 or 10x viewer on the screen.

Other difference with the basic version is the color, on the basic the color is only natural wood, on the advanced only black.

These additions raise the price to reasonable € 447, but you have a camera that has nothing to envy to some on the market that cost almost double.

In the video you could see also other accessory, the advanced back, i’m preparing a video specific for this accessory, practically, I immediately anticipate what it is, it is the usual back that I mount on the StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera professional that allows you to also use graflock holders, I’ll be more precise next week.

Ciao a tutti!

P.S. last Sunday, while I was recording the video on the Hyper camera 4×5 basic, I was approached by a gentleman who says he knows me and takes me a picture with a film, with a Nikon … oh well, I forgive him 🙂 Thanks Mirko.

[button_3 text=”order-now.png” align=”center” href=”http://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-4×5-advanced/” new_window=”Y”/]

Hyper camera 4×5 – the new affordable folding camera 297€ (!!!)

Ciao Ragazzi

You read correctly, today I show you the new Hyper Camera 4×5″, the new affordable 4×5 folding camera the first of StenopeiKa brand.

In the video you could see the design of new camera with the base board in the shape of the letter H from which the name “Hyper” is inspired.

This camera is thinking for the beginner large format photographer who want to try but don’t want to spend a lot, for t

his reason I designed this camera from “white paper” and thinking with the mind of the people approaching the large format for the first time, so I focused everything on lightness, transportability and cost.

The result is the camera into the video, price 297€ (+ vat), weight 1.3 kg, 22 x 22 x 6.5 cm when the camera is close, It is sufficient to transport abag of Eastpack (where I put my ipad), incredible.

In addition to this there are other details that make it particularly appreciable, such as the 4 ball levels, the possibility to change the classic bellows with a bag bellows through the magnetic system for years on StenopeiKa’s cameras.

Pre-order is already available:


[button_3 text=”order-now.png” align=”center” href=”http://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/hyper-camera-4×5-basic/” new_window=”Y” cc=”3paypal.png|3mastercard.png|3visa.png”/]



How to assembly 4×5 camera – Stenopeika 45se2 folding camera

Ciao Ragazzi

Today other video “tutorial” about the assembly of 4×5 camera.

For this video I chose my favorite camera, the StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera, I like it because it is a complete and complex camera and in a certain way reminds me when I started shooting with the Sinar f2, attention I did not say that it is a Sinar f2, I was inspired especially for the separate and independent movements (both front and back standard), mechanical zero positions and rigidity.

Obviously then I modeled the project to incorporate these features, suitable for a very professional audience, in a folding.

For all these reasons I decided to shoot the video of the assembly with this camera, I hope you enjoy it.

This camera configuration is dedicated to my friend Isabel.

I love movements – StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera

Ciao Ragazzi!

Today new (short) video about my last folding camera StenopeiKa 45se2.

This time I want to show you the possibilities of movements that the camera offers you, the real strong point of this folding that wants to be a monorail view camera therefore with extreme movements, but with possibilities to shoot outside because the space occupied by folded is relatively little.

The video is very “dancing” i hope you like it.

Ciao a tutti.

NEW MAGNETIC CAMERA! StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera

Ciao Ragazzi!

Today is a great day! Is the day of the official presentation of the new 4×5″ folding camera, model StenopeiKa 45se2.

After many months of testing with photographer Giulio Speranza (thank you for the pictures) and me I’m finally ready to launch this camera that is “younger sister” of the legendary StenopeiKa 810se2 folding camera, in fact it takes up almost all the mechanics, obviously re-adapted to the 4×5 “format, but keeping the thicknesses and then returning a truly solid and indestructible camera.

But, to make it look more like a large format monorail camera, I’ve also added raise, fall and shift on the rear standard, in this mode I turned a classic folding camera into a really large format camera with these features:

Maximumextension: 370 mm
Minimum extension: 100mm ( 0 mm with tilt)

Front standard movements:
Rise: 6 cm
Fall: 4.8 cm
Shift: 2.2 cm per side
Tilt: 25° upwards; 23.5° down
Swing: 12 ° per side
Tilt from baseboard: 90° onwards-limited by the bellows back.

Rear standard movements:
Rise: 2.4 cm
Fall: 2 cm
Shift: 1.7 cm per side
Tilt from baseboard: forward limited by the bellows, back 29°
Swing: 24° per side

Closed dimensions: 27cm X 27cm X 13.5cm
Weight: 3,100 Kg

Like all StenopeiKa cameras is available in iroko wood, cypress and … olive wood!

As I wrote in the title, the camera is completely magnetic (except for the lens board) and in the video you can see how it self-assembly, and how easy it is to change the chassis from vertical to horizontal and vice versa.

So if you want to discover more details of this camera i make also other video where I show more details, if you are interested in seeing it, just click here:

[button_5 bg=”orange” text_color=”dark” text=”get-the-free-video.png” align=”center” href=”http://www.stenopeika.com/video-extra-details-of-stenopeika-45se2-folding-camera/”/]


See you in the next video.

Ciao a tutti!

Tutorial how to make a focus ground glass

ciao Ragazzi

first video of 2018 and first tutorial experience, i hope that you like it and it can be useful to you.

Tutorial subject: how to make a focus ground glass for your 8×10 camera.

First of all i use a 2 mm thickness extra clear glass, cut to fit the frame of my 8×10 folding camera, with a chamfer of 1.5 cm for each corner.

Before the sanding phase I make sure to eliminate the remaining dangerous edges.

Only at this point i start with sanding phase with carborundum. I put carborundum and water (a little bit) on the ground glass and i use other small glass to proceed with sanding phase. Also with patience I distribute and “scratch” the glass with circular movements until the water is absorbed.

When the he water is absorbed i wash and dry the glass to check the result, if it is not uniform, I repeat the sanding phase.

To obtain the ground glass in the video i need to repeat the sanding phase 3 times.

See you in the next video!

3 reasons to choose tailboard modular camera

Ciao Ragazzi!

In wishing you a happy new year, I leave 2017 with a new video: 3 reasons to choose tailboard modular camera.

1) modular: every parts of this kind of camera are interchangeable, and every parts will be replace with other in any moments without modifies on camera

2) Custom for you: you can build YOUR CAMERA in your favorite configuration with a configurator directly on the web site here http://www.stenopeika.com/prodotto/stenopeika-tailboard-camera-configuration/

3) You decide how much spend: thank to the configurator you can choose your favorite configuration based on the budget and technical needs of the moment, quiet that in the future you can change the configuration without having to spend for a new camera.

should i change idea in the future?
at any time you can change configuration without making changes to the camera and decide how much to spend.

Happy new year!

StenopeiKa stories – Im Anina #2

Ciao Ragazzi!

As the last week, today i’ll show you the 2nd video of series “StenopeiKa Stories – Im Anina”.

If you follow me you know that i’m not only a camera maker but also a photographer, and i love take picture to persons and landscape, so thank to this my passions, i received an invitation to partecipate to Im Anina project.

A multi-cultural project with a noble purpose: to valorize de-industrialization and to discover the industrial beauties of a small Romanian city on the border with Serbia.

I say “yes” before they finished to telling me.

So today i’ll show you the second chapter of the series “StenopeiKa stories, not only cameras” with the second video during the pictures series in Romania

For this project Paolo Mazzo, professional photographer, used a StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera.

Stenopeika stories – Im Anina project

Ciao Ragazzi!

today new blog category “Stenopeika stories” with new video about a photographic project “Im Anina” where I’m participating in the dual role of photographer and camera builder. For all those who do not know me, I started as a photographer and then become a builder and I still offer my knowledge for workshops around Italy.

thanks to my double skill I have been invited also in romania to take part in this very interesting project for the redevelopment of the Romanian communist industrial heritage with other Romanian and Italian professionals, architects, geologists and photographers.

Anina is a small town near the Serbian border, home to the deepest coal mining well in Eastern Europe. The mining industry worked since 2007 and today is a typical deindustrialized city left to itself, but with an incredible industrial heritage.

last year we worked on the architectural part, but this year we focused on the people who decided to stay despite the few possibilities that the city offers today.

For this project Paolo Mazzo, professional photographer, used a StenopeiKa 45se2 folding camera.