In the pictures, me with StenopeiKa tailboard 40×40 cm, the photo was taken with StenopeiKa tailboard 5×7 and wooden lens Sine-Igne 200 f4, tintype.
Welcome to my work space and my life.
I’m a little handcraft camera maker located in Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy. I love photography in particular large format, collodion, pinhole photography and wood… so with the union of this passions was born in 2009 StenopeiKa.
In the first years i produced wooden pinhole camera, but since 2013 i started also a production of large format cameras and accessories for alternative photographic process.
Now i propose the new series of cameras for lovers of wood fragrance and unique pieces.
I wait you in my workshop to show you the evolution of your camera day by day.
“No-one will say you took it with your iphone”
large format photography is the hardest choice for making images but it’s also the only way that, no matter what you get in print, it will make you a better photographer